.. _BugReport: ********************************** Bug Report ********************************** If you encounter an unresolvable issue, you can file a bug report at `FuriosaAI customer service center `_. The following information should be included in a bug report. #. How to reproduce the bug #. Log or screenshot of the bug #. SDK version information #. Compilation log, if model compilation failed By default, when an error happens furiosa-sdk outputs the following message. If you see the following message, file a report to the `Bug Report` section of `FuriosaAI customer service center `_ with: 1. The information given below the ``Information Dump``, and 2. The compilation log file (this would be ``/home/furiosa/.local/state/furiosa/logs/compile-20211121223028-l5w4g6.log`` in the following example) outputted in the message. .. code-block:: Saving the compilation log into /home/furiosa/.local/state/furiosa/logs/compile-20211121223028-l5w4g6.log Using furiosa-compiler 0.5.0 (rev: 407c0c51f-modified built at 2021-11-18 22:32:34) 2021-11-22T06:30:28.392114Z INFO Npu (npu0pe0) is being initialized 2021-11-22T06:30:28.397757Z INFO NuxInner create with pes: [PeId(0)] [1/6] 🔍 Compiling from onnx to dfg 2021-11-22T06:30:28.423026Z INFO [Profiler] Received a termination signal. 2021-11-22T06:30:28.423371Z ERROR fail to compile the model: the static shape of tensor 'input' contains an unsupported dimension value: Some(DimParam("batch_size")) ================================================================================ Information Dump ================================================================================ - Python version: 3.8.10 (default, Sep 28 2021, 16:10:42) [GCC 9.3.0] - furiosa-libnux path: libnux.so.0.5.0 - furiosa-libnux version: 0.5.0 (rev: 407c0c51f built at 2021-11-18 22:32:34) - furiosa-compiler version: 0.5.0 (rev: 407c0c51f built at 2021-11-18 22:32:34) - furiosa-sdk-runtime version: Furiosa SDK Runtime (libnux 0.5.0 407c0c51f 2021-11-18 22:32:34) Please check the compiler log at /home/furiosa/.local/state/furiosa/logs/compile-20211121223028-l5w4g6.log. If you have a problem, please report the log file to https://furiosa-ai.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals with the information dumped above. ================================================================================ If you do not see a message as shown above, refer to the instructions below to collect the necessary information yourself to file a bug report at `FuriosaAI customer service center`_. You can find the Python runtime version information as shown. .. code-block:: $ python --version Python 3.8.6 You can find the SDK version information as shown. .. code-block:: $ python -c "from furiosa import runtime;print(runtime.__full_version__)" loaded native library /usr/lib64/libnux.so (0.5.0 407c0c51f) Furiosa SDK Runtime 0.5.0 (libnux 0.5.0 407c0c51f 2021-11-18 22:32:34)