Python SDK Quickstart

Using the FuriosaAI NPU Python SDK library, you can easily write Python programs that leverage the NPU.

Minimum Requirements

If the above requirements have been fulfilled, you can install the FuriosaAI NPU Python SDK library through PyPi.

pip install --upgrade 'furiosa-sdk[runtime]~=0.1.0'

Running Basic Python Code

After the installation is complete, you can check whether the package is installed correctly by running the Python code as follows and outputting the version information.

>> from furiosa import runtime
INFO:furiosa.runtime._api.v1:successfully loaded dynamic library

>> runtime.__full_version__
'Furiosa SDK Runtime .release:0.1.1+907338a44e91f176495b3c24fce3d9b1e626a662 (libnux 0.3.0-dev 9418048e4 2021-03-29 02:59:26)'

Inference can be executed by loading the model and creating a session object. When first loading the model, the process of compiling and optimizing the model is performed internally. This process is performed only when the model is initially loaded and may take from several seconds to tens of seconds depending on the model. (Very awk, no set time frame?*)

>>> sess = session.create('./MNISTnet_uint8_quant_without_softmax.tflite')
num_slices: 16
num_slices: 16
[1/6] πŸ”   Compiling from tflite to dfg
Done in 0.001876285s
[2/6] πŸ”   Compiling from dfg to ldfg
β–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺ [1/3] Splitting graph...Done in 1.2222888s
β–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺ [2/3] Lowering...Done in 0.24661668s
β–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺ [3/3] Precalculating operators...Done in 0.007146129s
Done in 1.4769053s
[3/6] πŸ”   Compiling from ldfg to cdfg
Done in 0.000111313s
[4/6] πŸ”   Compiling from cdfg to gir
Done in 0.004966648s
[5/6] πŸ”   Compiling from gir to lir
Done in 0.000273256s
[6/6] πŸ”   Compiling from lir to enf
Done in 0.003491739s
✨  Finished in 1.4908016s

After loading a model, you can print its information and see a list of input/output tensors and general information about each tensor.

>>> sess.print_summary()
{0: TensorDesc: shape=(1, 28, 28, 1), dtype=uint8, format=NHWC, size=784, len=784}
{0: TensorDesc: shape=(1, 1, 1, 10), dtype=uint8, format=NHWC, size=10, len=10}

You can run the inference by calling run() can take a list of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray as arguments.

For simple execution, let’s use numpy to create a random tensor according to the input tensor and call run as follows.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> input_meta = sess.inputs()[0]
>>> input_meta
TensorDesc: shape=(1, 28, 28, 1), dtype=uint8, format=NHWC, size=784, len=784

>> input = np.random.randint(-128, 127, input_meta.shape(), dtype=np.int8)
>>> outputs =
>>> outputs
{0: <Tensor: shape=(1, 1, 1, 10), dtype=DataType.UINT8, numpy=[[[[255   0 239   0 183   0 209   0 255 255]]]]>}

The call uses the NPU to run the inference and returns a list of tensors. Since the returned result is a list, execute the following to get the numpy.ndarray of the first tensor.


An example of the full code can be found at furiosa-sdk-runtime/

See Also