Kubernetes Support

Kuberentes is an open source platform for managing containerized workloads and services. Furiosa SDK provides the following components to support the Kubernetes environment.

The two components above provide the following functions.

  • Make the Kubernetes cluster aware of the NPUs available to the node.

  • Through Kubernetes spec.containers[].resources.limits , schedule the NPU simultaneously when distributing Pod workload.

  • Identify NPU information of NPU-equipped machine, and register it as node label (you can selectively schedule Pods with this information and nodeSelector)

The setup process for Kubernetes support is as follows.

1. Preparing NPU nodes

Requirements for Kubernetes nodes are as follows.

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 or higher

  • Intel compatible CPU

You also need to install NPU driver and toolkit on each node of NPU-equipped Kubernetes. If the APT server is set up (see APT server configuration), you can easily install as follows.

apt-get update && apt install -y furiosa-driver-pdma furiosa-toolkit

Once the required package is installed as above, you can check for NPU recognition as follows, with the furiosactl command included in furiosa-toolkit. If the NPU is not recognized with the command below, try again after rebooting - depending on the environment.

$ furiosactl info
| NPU  | Name             | Temp. | Power  | PCI-BDF      | PCI-DEV |
| npu1 | FuriosaAI Warboy |  40°C | 1.37 W | 0000:01:00.0 | 509:0   |

2. Installing Device Plugin, Node Labeller

Once NPU node preparation is complete, install the device plugin and node labeller (daemonset) as follows.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/furiosa-ai/furiosa-sdk/v0.6.0/kubernetes/deployments/node-labeller.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/furiosa-ai/furiosa-sdk/v0.6.0/kubernetes/deployments/device-plugin.yaml

After executing the above command, you can check whether the installed daemonset is functioning normally with the kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system command. For reference, the device plugin (furiosa-npu-plugin) is only distributed to nodes equipped with NPUs, and uses alpha.furiosa.ai/npu.family=warboy information that the node labeller (furiosa-npu-labeller) attaches to each node.

$ kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system
NAME                     DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR                                               AGE
furiosa-npu-labeller     6         6         6       6            6           kubernetes.io/os=linux                                      321d
furiosa-npu-plugin       2         2         2       2            2           alpha.furiosa.ai/npu.family=warboy,kubernetes.io/os=linux   159d

The metadata attached by the node labeller (furiosa-npu-labeller) is shown in the following table.

NPU Node Labels





warboy, renegade

Chip family


haps (ASIC), u250 (FPGA sample)

HW type

If you execute the kubectl get nodes --show-labels command to check node labels, and you see labels starting with alpha.furiosa.ai as follows, you have successfully installed the node labeller.

kubectl get nodes --show-labels

warboy-node01     Ready   <none>  65d   v1.20.10   alpha.furiosa.ai/npu.family=warboy,alpha.furiosa.ai/npu.hwtype=haps...,kubernetes.io/os=linux
warboy-node02     Ready   <none>  12d   v1.20.10   alpha.furiosa.ai/npu.family=warboy,alpha.furiosa.ai/npu.hwtype=haps...,kubernetes.io/os=linux

3. Creating a Pod with NPUs

To allocate NPU to a Pod, add as shown below to spec.containers[].resources.limits.

    alpha.furiosa.ai/npu: "1" # requesting 1 NPU

Full example for Pod creation is as follows.

$ cat > npu-pod.yaml <<EOL
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: npu-pod
    - name: npu-pod
      image: ubuntu:focal
          cpu: "4"
          memory: "8Gi"
          alpha.furiosa.ai/npu: "1"
          cpu: "4"
          memory: "8Gi"
          alpha.furiosa.ai/npu: "1"

$ kubectl apply -f npu-pod.yaml

After Pod creation, you can check NPU allocation as follows.

$ kubectl get pods npu-pod -o yaml | grep alpha.furiosa.ai/npu
    alpha.furiosa.ai/npu: "1"
    alpha.furiosa.ai/npu: "1"

If there are multiple NPU devices, you can check which devices are allocated as follows. The SDK application automatically recognizes the allocated NPU device.

$ kubectl exec npu-pod -it -- /bin/bash
root@npu-pod:/# echo $NPU_DEVNAME

If furiosa-toolkit is installed in the Pod, you can check for more detailed device information using the furiosactl command as shown below.

See APT server configuration for installation guide using APT.

root@npu-pod:/# furiosactl
furiosactl controls the FURIOSA NPU.

Find more information at: https://furiosa.ai/

Basic Commands:
  version    Print the furiosactl version information
  info       Show information one or many NPU(s)
  config     Get/Set configuration for NPU environment

  furiosactl COMMAND

root@npu-pod:/# furiosactl info
| NPU  | Name             | Temp. | Power  | PCI-BDF      | PCI-DEV |
| npu1 | FuriosaAI Warboy |  40°C | 1.37 W | 0000:01:00.0 | 509:0   |