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[0.10.1 - TBU]

New Features

  • Addedd YOLOv7w6 Pose Estimation Model #173


  • Detailed explanation about with_scaling argument #171
  • Added Jupyter Notebook examples #167
  • Use new furiosa-compiler CLI #174
  • Use IR version instead of compiler version when probing ENF files #174


  • furiosa-libcompiler APT package dependency #174

Bug fixes

[0.10.0 - 2023-08-28]

New Features

  • Provide 1pe artifacts too #158


  • Resolve artifact binaries lazily #155
  • Added ruff linter #160
  • Automatically build documentation on comment #162
  • Upgrade pydantic library version to 2.0.0 #166
  • Added model.resolve_all() to resolve all lazily loaded fields at once #166
  • Added local artifact binary cache #166


  • Removed unused timm dependency #149
  • Breaking: Now uses default Python initializer instead of model.load() #166
  • Breaking: model.enf field has been removed #166
  • Breaking: model.source, model.calib_yaml fields have been renamed #166

[0.9.1 - 2023-05-26]

[0.9.0 - 2023-05-12]

New Features

  • Add EfficientNetB0 model #121
  • Add EfficientNetV2-S model #130
  • Set default target as Warboy's production revision (B0) #125
  • Provide calibration ranges for every model #144


  • Removed Quantize external operators #144
  • Detailed error messages for model file fetching #144
  • ENF generator can do the jobs parallelly #144
  • Removed furiosa.registry dependency #144
  • Faster import for furiosa.models #117
  • Replace yolov5's box decode implementation in Rust #109
  • Remove Cpp postprocessor implementations #102
  • Change packaging tool from setuptools-rust to flit #109


  • Truncated models and corresponding postprocesses #144
  • Breaking: drop support of directly passing Model to session.create() #144


  • Release guide for developers #129
  • Report regression test's result with PR comment #110

Bug Fixes

  • Fix CLI to properly report net inference time #112
  • Update certain model sources with valid onnx #120

[0.8.0 - 2022-11-10]

New Features

  • Add ResNet50 model
  • Add SSD ResNet34 model
  • Add SSD MobileNet model
  • Add YOLOv5l model
  • Add YOLOv5m model


  • Add native postprocessing implementation for ResNet50 #42
  • Add native postprocessing implementation for SSD ResNet34 #45
  • Add native postprocessing implementation for SSD MobileNet #16
  • Refactor Model API to use classmethods to load models #66
  • Make Model Zoo's ABC Model #78
  • Retain only necessary python dependencies #81
  • Improve and add enf, dfg models for e2e tests #33
  • Add mkdocstrings to make API references #22


  • Regresstion Test #61
  • Attach Tekton CI #41
  • Yolov5 L/M e2e testing code #22
  • Change the documentation layout and add resnet34, resnet50, mobilenet details #33
  • Replace maturin with setuptools-rust #26

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve DVC directly #80