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Developer's guide

This documentation is for developers who want to contribute to Furiosa Models.

Release guide

Preparing for Release

  • Select a correct release tag to mark the release: x.y.z
  • Update the code in the main branch to reflect the next development version.
    • __version__ field in furiosa/models/
  • Create a dedicated release branch on github for the new tag.

Pre-Release Tasks

Before releasing the new version, ensure that the following tasks are completed:

  • Update the code in the release branch to the appropriate version.
  • Generate a rendered documentation for the new release.
  • Write a changelog that describes the changes made in the new release.
  • Test the building of wheels by flit build to ensure the release is functional.

Releasing the New Version

  • Publish the package to PyPI with flit publish command. 🎉