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Command Tool

We provide a simple command line too called furiosa-models to allow users to evaluate or run quickly one of models with FuriosaAI NPU.


To install furiosa-models command, please refer to Installing. Then, furiosa-models command will be available.


furiosa-models [-h] {list, desc, bench} ...

furiosa-models command has three subcommands: list, desc, and bench.

Subcommand: list

list subcommand prints out the list of models with attributes. You will be able to figure out what models are available.


$ furiosa-models list

|  Model name  |      Model description       |      Task type       | Available postprocesses |
|   ResNet50   |   MLCommons ResNet50 model   | Image Classification |      Python, Rust       |
| SSDMobileNet | MLCommons MobileNet v1 model |   Object Detection   |    Python, Rust, Cpp    |
| SSDResNet34  | MLCommons SSD ResNet34 model |   Object Detection   |    Python, Rust, Cpp    |
|   YOLOv5l    |      YOLOv5 Large model      |   Object Detection   |         Python          |
|   YOLOv5m    |     YOLOv5 Medium model      |   Object Detection   |         Python          |

Subcommand: bench

bench subcommand runs a specific model with a given path where the input sample data are located. It will print out the performance benchmark results like QPS.


$ furiosa-models bench ResNet50 ./samples

Running 10 input samples ...
WARN: the benchmark results may depend on the number of input samples,
sizes of the images, and a machine where this benchmark is running.

Preprocess -> Inference -> Postprocess
Total elapsed time: 1.04471 sec
QPS: 9.57201
Avg. elapsed time / sample: 104.47126 ms

Inference -> Postprocess
Total elapsed time: 24.98687 ms
QPS: 400.21017
Avg. elapsed time / sample: 2.49869 ms

Total elapsed time: 558.66595 us
QPS: 17899.78418
Avg. elapsed time / sample: 55.86660 us

Subcommand: desc

desc subcommand shows the details of a specific model.


$ furiosa-models desc ResNet50 
family: ResNet
format: onnx
  description: ResNet50 v1.5 int8 ImageNet-1K
    authors: null
    date: null
    publisher: null
    title: null
name: ResNet50
version: v1.5
task type: Image Classification
available postprocess versions: Python, Rust