Module furiosa.quantizer.furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.transformer.fuse_pad

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import abc

import onnx

from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.interfaces.transformer import Transformer
from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.transformer import ONNXTransformer

class FusePad(Transformer):
    def transform(self, model: onnx.ModelProto) -> onnx.ModelProto:
        for transformer in [
            model = transformer(model).transform()

        return model

class Pattern_1(ONNXTransformer, abc.ABC):
            prev --> Pad --> MaxPool --> next
            prev --> MaxPool --> next

        if 1. Pad.mode == 'constant'
           2. Pad.constant_value == -inf
           3. padded on spatial dimension
           4. fused_pads[i] < kernel_shape[i] and fused_pads[i + kernel_rank] < kernel_shape[i] for all i
    pattern_to_match = ['Pad', 'MaxPool']

    def pattern_matching(self, base_node):
        inputs = base_node.input

        matched_nodes = self.pattern_matcher(base_node, self.pattern_to_match)
        if not matched_nodes:
            return inputs

        if not self.pattern_condition_checker(matched_nodes):
            return inputs


        return matched_nodes[0].input

    def pattern_condition_checker(self, nodes_to_check):
        top_node, base_node = nodes_to_check

        if not self.check_condition_1(top_node.attribute):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_2(top_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_3(top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_6(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        return True

    def check_condition_1(self, node_attr):
        if self.get_pad_mode(node_attr) == 'constant':
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_2(self, node):
            const_input = node.input[2]
            constant_value = self.get_initializer_array(const_input)
        except IndexError:
            constant_value = 0.0

        if constant_value == float('-inf'):
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_3(self, pads_input):
        pads = self.get_initializer_array(pads_input)
        rank = len(pads) // 2
        pads_on_nc_dim = [*pads[:2], *pads[rank:rank + 2]]

        if all(pad == 0 for pad in pads_on_nc_dim):
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_6(self, node_attrs, pad_input):
        attrs = self.update_attrs(node_attrs, pad_input)
        kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
        kernel_rank = len(kernel_shape)
        fused_pads = attrs['pads']
        fused_pad_shape = [sum([fused_pads[dim], fused_pads[dim + kernel_rank]]) for dim in range(kernel_rank)]

        assert len(kernel_shape) == len(fused_pad_shape)
        if all(fused_pads[dim] < k and fused_pads[dim + kernel_rank] < k
               for dim, k in enumerate(kernel_shape)):
            return True
        return False

    def get_pad_mode(self, node_attr):
        from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs

        return attribute_to_kwargs(node_attr).get('mode', 'constant').decode("utf-8")

    def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input):
        pads = [sum(x) for x in zip(attrs['pads'], self.make_maxpool_pad(pad_input))]
        attrs['pads'] = pads

        return attrs

    def get_attrs(self, node):
        rank = len(self.get_value_info_shape(node.input[0]))
        nspatial_dim = (rank - 2)

        from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs
        attrs = attribute_to_kwargs(node.attribute)
        ceil_mode = attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0)
        dilations = attrs.get('dilations', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
        kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
        strides = attrs.get('strides', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
        pads = attrs.get('pads', [0, ] * nspatial_dim * 2)

        return {'ceil_mode': ceil_mode, 'dilations': dilations,
                'kernel_shape': kernel_shape,
                'pads': pads, 'strides': strides}

    def make_maxpool_pad(self, pad_input):
        pads = self.get_initializer_array(pad_input)
        rank = len(pads) // 2

        new_pads = []
        for pad in pads:
            if pad == -1:
        pads = new_pads

        return [*pads[2:rank], *pads[rank + 2:2 * rank]]

    def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes):
        top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
        attrs = self.update_attrs(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1])

        return self.make_node('MaxPool', [top_node.input[0]], [base_node.output[0]],
                    , **attrs)

class Pattern_2(Pattern_1, abc.ABC):
            prev --> Pad --> AveragePool --> next
            prev --> AveragePool --> next

        if 1. Pad.mode == 'constant'
           2. Pad.constant_value == 0.0
           3. padded on spatial dimension
           4. AveragePool.count_include_pad == 1 or all AveragePool.pads == 0
           5. AveragePool.ceil_mode == 0
           6. fused_pads[i] < kernel_shape[i] and fused_pads[i + kernel_rank] < kernel_shape[i] for all i
    pattern_to_match = ['Pad', 'AveragePool']

    def pattern_condition_checker(self, matched_nodes):
        top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
        if not self.check_condition_1(top_node.attribute):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_2(top_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_3(top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_4(base_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_5(base_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_6(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        return True

    def get_attrs(self, node):
        rank = len(self.get_value_info_shape(node.input[0]))
        nspatial_dim = (rank - 2)

        from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs
        attrs = attribute_to_kwargs(node.attribute)
        ceil_mode = attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0)
        count_include_pad = attrs.get('count_include_pad', 0)
        kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
        strides = attrs.get('strides', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
        pads = attrs.get('pads', [0, ] * nspatial_dim * 2)

        return {'ceil_mode': ceil_mode, 'count_include_pad': count_include_pad,
                'kernel_shape': kernel_shape,
                'pads': pads, 'strides': strides}

    def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input):
        pads = [sum(x) for x in zip(attrs['pads'], self.make_maxpool_pad(pad_input))]
        attrs['pads'] = pads
        attrs['count_include_pad'] = 1

        return attrs

    def check_condition_2(self, node):
            const_input = node.input[2]
            constant_value = self.get_initializer_array(const_input)
        except IndexError:
            constant_value = 0.0

        if constant_value == 0.0:
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_4(self, node):
        attrs = self.get_attrs(node)
        count_include_pad = attrs['count_include_pad']
        pads = attrs['pads']
        if count_include_pad == 1 or all(pad == 0 for pad in pads):
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_5(self, node):
        attrs = self.get_attrs(node)
        ceil_mode = attrs['ceil_mode']
        if ceil_mode == 0:
            return True
        return False

    def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes):
        top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
        attrs = self.update_attrs(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1])

        return self.make_node('AveragePool', [top_node.input[0]], [base_node.output[0]],
                    , **attrs)


class FusePad (*args, **kwds)

Abstract base class for generic types.

A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as::

class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def getitem(self, key: KT) -> VT: … # Etc.

This class can then be used as follows::

def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default

Expand source code
class FusePad(Transformer):
    def transform(self, model: onnx.ModelProto) -> onnx.ModelProto:
        for transformer in [
            model = transformer(model).transform()

        return model


  • furiosa_sdk_quantizer.interfaces.transformer.Transformer
  • typing.Generic


def transform(self, model: onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto) ‑> onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto
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def transform(self, model: onnx.ModelProto) -> onnx.ModelProto:
    for transformer in [
        model = transformer(model).transform()

    return model
class Pattern_1 (model)

transform prev –> Pad –> MaxPool –> next to prev –> MaxPool –> next

if 1. Pad.mode == 'constant' 2. Pad.constant_value == -inf 3. padded on spatial dimension 4. fused_pads[i] < kernel_shape[i] and fused_pads[i + kernel_rank] < kernel_shape[i] for all i

Expand source code
class Pattern_1(ONNXTransformer, abc.ABC):
            prev --> Pad --> MaxPool --> next
            prev --> MaxPool --> next

        if 1. Pad.mode == 'constant'
           2. Pad.constant_value == -inf
           3. padded on spatial dimension
           4. fused_pads[i] < kernel_shape[i] and fused_pads[i + kernel_rank] < kernel_shape[i] for all i
    pattern_to_match = ['Pad', 'MaxPool']

    def pattern_matching(self, base_node):
        inputs = base_node.input

        matched_nodes = self.pattern_matcher(base_node, self.pattern_to_match)
        if not matched_nodes:
            return inputs

        if not self.pattern_condition_checker(matched_nodes):
            return inputs


        return matched_nodes[0].input

    def pattern_condition_checker(self, nodes_to_check):
        top_node, base_node = nodes_to_check

        if not self.check_condition_1(top_node.attribute):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_2(top_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_3(top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_6(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        return True

    def check_condition_1(self, node_attr):
        if self.get_pad_mode(node_attr) == 'constant':
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_2(self, node):
            const_input = node.input[2]
            constant_value = self.get_initializer_array(const_input)
        except IndexError:
            constant_value = 0.0

        if constant_value == float('-inf'):
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_3(self, pads_input):
        pads = self.get_initializer_array(pads_input)
        rank = len(pads) // 2
        pads_on_nc_dim = [*pads[:2], *pads[rank:rank + 2]]

        if all(pad == 0 for pad in pads_on_nc_dim):
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_6(self, node_attrs, pad_input):
        attrs = self.update_attrs(node_attrs, pad_input)
        kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
        kernel_rank = len(kernel_shape)
        fused_pads = attrs['pads']
        fused_pad_shape = [sum([fused_pads[dim], fused_pads[dim + kernel_rank]]) for dim in range(kernel_rank)]

        assert len(kernel_shape) == len(fused_pad_shape)
        if all(fused_pads[dim] < k and fused_pads[dim + kernel_rank] < k
               for dim, k in enumerate(kernel_shape)):
            return True
        return False

    def get_pad_mode(self, node_attr):
        from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs

        return attribute_to_kwargs(node_attr).get('mode', 'constant').decode("utf-8")

    def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input):
        pads = [sum(x) for x in zip(attrs['pads'], self.make_maxpool_pad(pad_input))]
        attrs['pads'] = pads

        return attrs

    def get_attrs(self, node):
        rank = len(self.get_value_info_shape(node.input[0]))
        nspatial_dim = (rank - 2)

        from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs
        attrs = attribute_to_kwargs(node.attribute)
        ceil_mode = attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0)
        dilations = attrs.get('dilations', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
        kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
        strides = attrs.get('strides', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
        pads = attrs.get('pads', [0, ] * nspatial_dim * 2)

        return {'ceil_mode': ceil_mode, 'dilations': dilations,
                'kernel_shape': kernel_shape,
                'pads': pads, 'strides': strides}

    def make_maxpool_pad(self, pad_input):
        pads = self.get_initializer_array(pad_input)
        rank = len(pads) // 2

        new_pads = []
        for pad in pads:
            if pad == -1:
        pads = new_pads

        return [*pads[2:rank], *pads[rank + 2:2 * rank]]

    def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes):
        top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
        attrs = self.update_attrs(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1])

        return self.make_node('MaxPool', [top_node.input[0]], [base_node.output[0]],
                    , **attrs)


  • furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.transformer.ONNXTransformer
  • abc.ABC


Class variables

var pattern_to_match


def check_condition_1(self, node_attr)
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def check_condition_1(self, node_attr):
    if self.get_pad_mode(node_attr) == 'constant':
        return True
    return False
def check_condition_2(self, node)
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def check_condition_2(self, node):
        const_input = node.input[2]
        constant_value = self.get_initializer_array(const_input)
    except IndexError:
        constant_value = 0.0

    if constant_value == float('-inf'):
        return True
    return False
def check_condition_3(self, pads_input)
Expand source code
def check_condition_3(self, pads_input):
    pads = self.get_initializer_array(pads_input)
    rank = len(pads) // 2
    pads_on_nc_dim = [*pads[:2], *pads[rank:rank + 2]]

    if all(pad == 0 for pad in pads_on_nc_dim):
        return True
    return False
def check_condition_6(self, node_attrs, pad_input)
Expand source code
def check_condition_6(self, node_attrs, pad_input):
    attrs = self.update_attrs(node_attrs, pad_input)
    kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
    kernel_rank = len(kernel_shape)
    fused_pads = attrs['pads']
    fused_pad_shape = [sum([fused_pads[dim], fused_pads[dim + kernel_rank]]) for dim in range(kernel_rank)]

    assert len(kernel_shape) == len(fused_pad_shape)
    if all(fused_pads[dim] < k and fused_pads[dim + kernel_rank] < k
           for dim, k in enumerate(kernel_shape)):
        return True
    return False
def get_attrs(self, node)
Expand source code
def get_attrs(self, node):
    rank = len(self.get_value_info_shape(node.input[0]))
    nspatial_dim = (rank - 2)

    from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs
    attrs = attribute_to_kwargs(node.attribute)
    ceil_mode = attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0)
    dilations = attrs.get('dilations', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
    kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
    strides = attrs.get('strides', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
    pads = attrs.get('pads', [0, ] * nspatial_dim * 2)

    return {'ceil_mode': ceil_mode, 'dilations': dilations,
            'kernel_shape': kernel_shape,
            'pads': pads, 'strides': strides}
def get_pad_mode(self, node_attr)
Expand source code
def get_pad_mode(self, node_attr):
    from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs

    return attribute_to_kwargs(node_attr).get('mode', 'constant').decode("utf-8")
def make_maxpool_pad(self, pad_input)
Expand source code
def make_maxpool_pad(self, pad_input):
    pads = self.get_initializer_array(pad_input)
    rank = len(pads) // 2

    new_pads = []
    for pad in pads:
        if pad == -1:
    pads = new_pads

    return [*pads[2:rank], *pads[rank + 2:2 * rank]]
def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes)
Expand source code
def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes):
    top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
    attrs = self.update_attrs(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1])

    return self.make_node('MaxPool', [top_node.input[0]], [base_node.output[0]],
                , **attrs)
def pattern_condition_checker(self, nodes_to_check)
Expand source code
def pattern_condition_checker(self, nodes_to_check):
    top_node, base_node = nodes_to_check

    if not self.check_condition_1(top_node.attribute):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_2(top_node):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_3(top_node.input[1]):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_6(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1]):
        return False

    return True
def pattern_matching(self, base_node)
Expand source code
def pattern_matching(self, base_node):
    inputs = base_node.input

    matched_nodes = self.pattern_matcher(base_node, self.pattern_to_match)
    if not matched_nodes:
        return inputs

    if not self.pattern_condition_checker(matched_nodes):
        return inputs


    return matched_nodes[0].input
def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input)
Expand source code
def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input):
    pads = [sum(x) for x in zip(attrs['pads'], self.make_maxpool_pad(pad_input))]
    attrs['pads'] = pads

    return attrs
class Pattern_2 (model)

transform prev –> Pad –> AveragePool –> next to prev –> AveragePool –> next

if 1. Pad.mode == 'constant' 2. Pad.constant_value == 0.0 3. padded on spatial dimension 4. AveragePool.count_include_pad == 1 or all AveragePool.pads == 0 5. AveragePool.ceil_mode == 0 6. fused_pads[i] < kernel_shape[i] and fused_pads[i + kernel_rank] < kernel_shape[i] for all i

Expand source code
class Pattern_2(Pattern_1, abc.ABC):
            prev --> Pad --> AveragePool --> next
            prev --> AveragePool --> next

        if 1. Pad.mode == 'constant'
           2. Pad.constant_value == 0.0
           3. padded on spatial dimension
           4. AveragePool.count_include_pad == 1 or all AveragePool.pads == 0
           5. AveragePool.ceil_mode == 0
           6. fused_pads[i] < kernel_shape[i] and fused_pads[i + kernel_rank] < kernel_shape[i] for all i
    pattern_to_match = ['Pad', 'AveragePool']

    def pattern_condition_checker(self, matched_nodes):
        top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
        if not self.check_condition_1(top_node.attribute):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_2(top_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_3(top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_4(base_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_5(base_node):
            return False

        if not self.check_condition_6(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1]):
            return False

        return True

    def get_attrs(self, node):
        rank = len(self.get_value_info_shape(node.input[0]))
        nspatial_dim = (rank - 2)

        from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs
        attrs = attribute_to_kwargs(node.attribute)
        ceil_mode = attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0)
        count_include_pad = attrs.get('count_include_pad', 0)
        kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
        strides = attrs.get('strides', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
        pads = attrs.get('pads', [0, ] * nspatial_dim * 2)

        return {'ceil_mode': ceil_mode, 'count_include_pad': count_include_pad,
                'kernel_shape': kernel_shape,
                'pads': pads, 'strides': strides}

    def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input):
        pads = [sum(x) for x in zip(attrs['pads'], self.make_maxpool_pad(pad_input))]
        attrs['pads'] = pads
        attrs['count_include_pad'] = 1

        return attrs

    def check_condition_2(self, node):
            const_input = node.input[2]
            constant_value = self.get_initializer_array(const_input)
        except IndexError:
            constant_value = 0.0

        if constant_value == 0.0:
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_4(self, node):
        attrs = self.get_attrs(node)
        count_include_pad = attrs['count_include_pad']
        pads = attrs['pads']
        if count_include_pad == 1 or all(pad == 0 for pad in pads):
            return True
        return False

    def check_condition_5(self, node):
        attrs = self.get_attrs(node)
        ceil_mode = attrs['ceil_mode']
        if ceil_mode == 0:
            return True
        return False

    def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes):
        top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
        attrs = self.update_attrs(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1])

        return self.make_node('AveragePool', [top_node.input[0]], [base_node.output[0]],
                    , **attrs)


  • Pattern_1
  • furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.transformer.ONNXTransformer
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var pattern_to_match


def check_condition_2(self, node)
Expand source code
def check_condition_2(self, node):
        const_input = node.input[2]
        constant_value = self.get_initializer_array(const_input)
    except IndexError:
        constant_value = 0.0

    if constant_value == 0.0:
        return True
    return False
def check_condition_4(self, node)
Expand source code
def check_condition_4(self, node):
    attrs = self.get_attrs(node)
    count_include_pad = attrs['count_include_pad']
    pads = attrs['pads']
    if count_include_pad == 1 or all(pad == 0 for pad in pads):
        return True
    return False
def check_condition_5(self, node)
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def check_condition_5(self, node):
    attrs = self.get_attrs(node)
    ceil_mode = attrs['ceil_mode']
    if ceil_mode == 0:
        return True
    return False
def get_attrs(self, node)
Expand source code
def get_attrs(self, node):
    rank = len(self.get_value_info_shape(node.input[0]))
    nspatial_dim = (rank - 2)

    from furiosa_sdk_quantizer.frontend.onnx.quantizer.utils import attribute_to_kwargs
    attrs = attribute_to_kwargs(node.attribute)
    ceil_mode = attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0)
    count_include_pad = attrs.get('count_include_pad', 0)
    kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape']
    strides = attrs.get('strides', [1, ] * nspatial_dim)
    pads = attrs.get('pads', [0, ] * nspatial_dim * 2)

    return {'ceil_mode': ceil_mode, 'count_include_pad': count_include_pad,
            'kernel_shape': kernel_shape,
            'pads': pads, 'strides': strides}
def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes)
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def make_new_node(self, matched_nodes):
    top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
    attrs = self.update_attrs(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1])

    return self.make_node('AveragePool', [top_node.input[0]], [base_node.output[0]],
                , **attrs)
def pattern_condition_checker(self, matched_nodes)
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def pattern_condition_checker(self, matched_nodes):
    top_node, base_node = matched_nodes
    if not self.check_condition_1(top_node.attribute):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_2(top_node):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_3(top_node.input[1]):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_4(base_node):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_5(base_node):
        return False

    if not self.check_condition_6(self.get_attrs(base_node), top_node.input[1]):
        return False

    return True
def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input)
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def update_attrs(self, attrs, pad_input):
    pads = [sum(x) for x in zip(attrs['pads'], self.make_maxpool_pad(pad_input))]
    attrs['pads'] = pads
    attrs['count_include_pad'] = 1

    return attrs