Command Line Tools

Through the command line tools, Furiosa SDK provides functions such as monitoring NPU device information, compiling models, and checking compatibility between models and SDKs. This section explains how to install and use each command line tool.


furiosa-toolkit provides a command line tool that enables users to manage and check the information of NPU devices.

furiosa-toolkit installation

To use this command line tool, you first need to install the kernel driver as shown in Driver, Firmware, and Runtime Installation. Subsequently, follow the instructions below to install furiosa-toolkit.

sudo apt-get install -y furiosa-toolkit

furiosactl instructions

After installing the kernel driver, you can use the furiosactl command to check whether the NPU device is recognized. Currently, this command provides the furiosactl info command to output the Device ID, temperature, power consumption and PCI information of the NPU device.

furiosactl info
| NPU  | Name             | Temp. | Power  | PCI-BDF      | PCI-DEV |
| npu1 | FuriosaAI Warboy |  40°C | 0.00 W | 0000:01:00.0 | 509:0   |


The furiosa command is a meta-command line tool that can be used by installing the Python SDK <PythonSDK>. Additional subcommands are also added when the extension package is installed.

If the Python execution environment is not prepared, refer to Python execution environment setup.

Installing command line tool.

$ pip install furiosa-sdk

Verifying installation.

$ furiosa compile --version --- v2.0, built @ fe1fca3
0.5.0 (rev: 49b97492a built at 2021-12-07 04:07:08) (wrapper: None)

furiosa compile

The compile command compiles models such as TFLite and ONNX, generating programs that utilize FuriosaAI NPU.

Detailed explanations and options can be found in the furiosa compile page.

furiosa litmus (Checking for model compatibility)

The litmus command takes the TFLite and ONNX models as arguments, quantizes them automatically, and attempts to compile up to the final binary, in order to check whether the given model is compatible with the SDK.

$ furiosa litmus yolov4.onnx
[Step 1] Checking if the model can be transformed into a quantized model ...
Quantization: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 67/67 [00:00<00:00, 85.33it/s]
[Step 1] Passed
[Step 2] Checking if the model can be compiled to a NPU program ...
[Step 2] Passed

Should it fail, you will see an error message like the one below. You can seek help by filing a bug report to FuriosaAI customer service center.

$ furiosa litmus efficientnet-lite4-11.onnx

  [Step 1] Checking if the model can be transformed into a quantized model ...

  /root/miniconda3/envs/furiosa/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onnx/ RuntimeWarning: Unexpected end-group tag: Not all data was converted
      decoded = cast(Optional[int], proto.ParseFromString(s))
  [Step 1] Failed