Model Server (Serving Framework)

To serve DNN models through GRPC and REST API, you can use Furiosa Model Server. Model Server provides the endpoints compatible with KServe Predict Protocol Version 2.

Its major features are:

  • REST/GRPC endpoints support

  • Multiple model serving using multiple NPU devices


Its requirements are:

If you need Python environment, please refer to Python execution environment setup first.

Run the following command

$ pip install 'furiosa-sdk[server]'

Running a Model Server

You can run model sever command by running furiosa server in your shell.

To run simply a model server with tflite or onnx, you need to specify just the model path and its name as following:

$ cd furiosa-sdk
$ furiosa server \
--model-path examples/assets/quantized_models/MNISTnet_uint8_quant_without_softmax.tflite \
--model-name mnist

--model-path option allows to specify a path of a model file. If you want to use a specific binding address and port, you can use additionally --host, --host-port.

Please run furiosa server --help if you want to learn more about the command with various options.

$ furiosa server --help
Usage: furiosa server [OPTIONS]

    Start serving models from FuriosaAI model server

                                    [default: LogLevel.INFO]
    --model-path TEXT               Path to Model file (tflite, onnx are
    --model-name TEXT               Model name used in URL path
    --model-version TEXT            Model version used in URL path  [default:
    --host TEXT                     IP address to bind  [default:]
    --http-port INTEGER             HTTP port to listen to requests  [default:
    --model-config FILENAME         Path to a config file about models with
                                    specific configurations
    --server-config FILENAME        Path to Model file (tflite, onnx are
    --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                    Install completion for the specified shell.
    --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                    Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                    copy it or customize the installation.
    --help                          Show this message and exit.

Running a Model Server with a Configuration File

If you need more advanced configurations like compilation options and device options, you can use a configuration file based on Yaml.

- name: mnist
    path: "samples/data/MNISTnet_uint8_quant.tflite"
    version: 1
    npu_device: npu0pe0
        keep_unsignedness: true
        split_unit: 0
- name: ssd
    path: "samples/data/tflite/SSD512_MOBILENET_V2_BDD_int_without_reshape.tflite"
    version: 1
    npu_device: npu0pe1

When you run a model sever with a configuration file, you need to specify --model-config as following. You can find the model files described in the above example from furiosa-models/samples.

$ cd furiosa-sdk/python/furiosa-server
$ furiosa server --model-config samples/model_config_example.yaml

Saving the compilation log into /Users/hyunsik/.local/state/furiosa/logs/compile-20211126143917-2731kz.log
Using furiosa-compiler 0.5.0 (rev: 407c0c51f built at 2021-11-26 12:05:30)
2021-11-26T22:39:17.819518Z  INFO Npu (npu0pe0) is being initialized
2021-11-26T22:39:17.823511Z  INFO NuxInner create with pes: [PeId(0)]
INFO:     Started server process [62087]
INFO:uvicorn.error:Started server process [62087]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:uvicorn.error:Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:uvicorn.error:Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:uvicorn.error:Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Once a model server starts up, you can call the inference request through HTTP protocol. If the model name is mnist and its version 1, the endpoint of the model will be http://<host>:<port>/v2/models/mnist/version/1/infer, accepting POST http request. The following is an example using curl to send the inference request and return the response.

The following is a Python example, doing same as curl does in the above example.

import requests
import mnist
import numpy as np

mnist_images = mnist.train_images().reshape((60000, 1, 28, 28)).astype(np.uint8)
url = 'http://localhost:8080/v2/models/mnist/versions/1/infer'

data = mnist_images[0:1].flatten().tolist()
request = {
    "inputs": [{
        "datatype": "UINT8",
        "shape": (1, 1, 28, 28),
        "data": data

response =, json=request)


The following table shows REST API endpoints and its descriptions. The model server is following KServe Predict Protocol Version 2. So, you can find more details from KServe Predict Protocol Version 2 - HTTP/REST.

Endpoints of KServe Predict Protocol Version 2

Method and Endpoint


GET /v2/health/live

Returns HTTP Ok (200) if the inference server is able to receive and respond to metadata and inference requests. This API can be directly used for the Kubernetes livenessProbe.

GET /v2/health/ready

Returns HTTP Ok (200) if all the models are ready for inferencing. This API can be directly used for the Kubernetes readinessProbe.

GET /v2/models/${MODEL_NAME}/versions/${MODEL_VERSION}

Returns a model metadata

GET /v2/models/${MODEL_NAME}/versions/${MODEL_VERSION}/ready

Returns HTTP Ok (200) if a specific model is ready for inferencing.

POST /v2/models/${MODEL_NAME}[/versions/${MODEL_VERSION}]/infer

Inference request